'Tis the season for college students to start looking for internships. We have had some fabulous interns in the past and we always get lots of applicants each year so I thought I'd share some tips for anyone who may be thinking of breaking into the business by interning for a wedding planner.
1) Address your letter or email to a person. It isn't too hard to do some research and see who owns the company. If the info isn't listed on the company website, call and ask to whom you should send your resume. And be sure not to mix up names. I have gotten emails addressed to another wedding planner before. Big oops! We know you're probably sending out lots of resumes, just don't make it obvious.
2) Proof well for spelling or grammatical errors. Don't say you're detail-oriented and misspell it!
3) If possible, find a personal connection. Did you go to the same school, join the same sorority or belong to the same professional organization?
4) The best is a personal recommendation or referral. If we ever met or spoke, remind me of it!
5) Don't be afraid to show your personality in the cover letter. We get so many letters that sound exactly the same. Show us why you are going to be an amazing asset but do it in a creative way. In other words, don't just say you'll be an amazing asset, show us! This is a business based on creativity, after all.
6) If the person you are writing has written a book or even an article, read it! Do your research and know about the company or the event planner to whom you're applying. I'm always impressed when people have done research and know about my company's history. It shows me that they will be just as thorough when they are working with me.
7) Be persistent. Wedding planners have a ton going on so it is your responsibility to follow up. If someone keeps emailing or calling, I know they are really interested. I don't think I've ever hired someone who has just sent me one email or letter. If your email says you will follow up in a week, do it.
Good luck!
Great post! Thanks :)