Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wedding Photo Station

I have always been a fan of the photo guest book that we used to do back in the days of Polaroids and the recent comeback of the photo booths at weddings. This past weekend at my fabulous wedding at The Mandarin Hotel, though, I did something that was kind of a combination of both and it was a HUGE hit!

Juan Carlos Briceno of Fotobriceno set up a digital portrait station for me where guests could take photos of themselves (alone, as couples or larger groups) by pressing a remote clicker (I'm sure there is a more technical name for it but that's what it looks like to me!) and then he would print them on site and put them in the guest book for guests to sign around. People had so much fun goofing off for the camera and they loved seeing the images a few minutes later in the guest book and writing messages for the bride and groom.

A digital portrait station for a corporate event or holiday party is usually pretty expensive but Juan Carlos gave us a great price, and I have to say that it was one of the biggest hits of the night. The bride and groom ended up with a guestbook that was so much more fun than the usual version, and it turned out to be entertainment for the guests, as well. Check out some of my favorites! The one at the very bottom is actually me and my assistants Christine and Maeve. We had to make sure it was working properly, right?!

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