It's that time of year again. Well, the real time just passed. Since January I have been hard at work on this years' entry for the DC ISES Gala Awards. I've been lucky enough to have my past three wedding entries nominated and I'm hoping to go for nomination number 4!
The wedding I entered this year was an event of global proportions. Anbinh and Jeffrey met in Northern Virgina over 6 years ago, but came from very different places and thus, their wedding and guest list spanned the world.
The day consisted of 1 reception, 2 ceremonies and 3 wardrobe changes. Beginning early Sunday morning, Anbinh and Jeffrey held a Vietnamese Tea Ceremony at their home in Fairfax, VA. The couple celebrated the brides culture as both families participated in the ceremony.
We then moved everyone into DC to prep for the evening's Western ceremony and reception all to take place at the stunning Ronald Reagan Building in it's various event spaces.
The bride had very specific decor ideas and her inspiration of the male peacock's feathers provided a great color pallet while not being outrageous.
Thank to Suburban Video, here is a link to a video montage of their epic day.
Enjoy the photos provided by the fabulous Rodney Bailey and I will keep you posted on the results!