Thursday, February 25, 2010
Cake Wrecks!
Normally we share lots of beautiful images with you of amazing events with stunning cakes. I thought today we'd shake things up, and I'd share one of my all-time favorite websites of not-so-pretty things.
When I need a laugh, I can always count on Cake Wrecks, a site devoted to disastrous cakes. Everything from birthday cakes with horrific spelling to wedding cakes from hell. Is that a clown riding a poo monster in the photo above? I mean, seriously. What is that?? And what is the occasion for such a cake? My heart goes out to the little kid who got that cake on their birthday!
And the captions the web mavens come up with are a riot! I have been known to laugh so hard at some of the cakes that tears have been rolling down my face. Check it out for yourself! And check out what may be the world's most hideous wedding cake ever below. Aside from saying "Happy Wending," it seems to be covered with enormous spoiled fruit. Ewwwwww!