So, after Bride Amy posted about what her fabulous Maid of Honor started for her by way of keepsake Charm Bracelet, I started to think back about how horrible I was about not posting about my wedding experience. My BRIDESMAIDS like so many of yours, are and were simply fabulous. They did some amazing things to make my bridal shower feel truly unique.
My favorite, and the thing that brought a tear to my eye, was the wine presentation. Each of my 5 bridesmaids bought me a bottle of wine, which they decorated, and with personalized prose, they told me when I was to drink each bottle; On my WEDDING night, for my first Hanukkah (holiday) party, my first Dinner Party, my first Anniversary and the one that made me cry, the birth of my first child,which I was told my husband would be drinking alone. It was such a sentimental, thoughtful "ceremony" of sorts.
So what else can YOU do as a bridesmaid to make you bride's experience special? Here are a few more ideas.
Personalize dessert or tea china- Everyone chooses their formal and informal sets, but grab 6 or 8 girls, choose a theme (polka dots, primary colors, etc) and each of you make a dessert plate or tea cup and saucer that has the same theme, but are each a little unique. The bride can call it her accent china.
The cookbook- Go a bit further than the recipe on an index card. Have someone collect all the recipes before the shower, laminate them and actually create a book for the bride. Each entry should include when a good time (date, holiday, occasion) is to make the dish.
Friday Night Knitting Club? Does anyone in the group knit? Have everyone buy a different yarn color and create, or have made, a completely unique afghan or throw that the bride can wrap herself in when her hubby is not at home or when she has to start getting up for late night feedings (some day).
So, if bridal BINGO and toilet paper bridal gowns are not up your alley, there are definitely other ways to let your bride know how special she is to you.